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Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

The Circle's Chrissie Swan takes on her biggest challenge yet

WHEN you are tackling weight loss, staying motivated is one of the biggest challenges. But it's also one of the most important.
To lose weight you need to be consistent, you need to exercise regularly and you must eat the right things more often than not.
Chrissie Swan, co-host of Channel Ten's morning show The Circle, has found the right motivation and is taking up her own weight-loss challenge.
She has always been comfortable with her fuller figure, but gained 55kg during her pregnancy with now 18-month-old son Leo, ballooning to a size 26.

Now she wants another baby, but is worried her weight will stop her adding to her family.
Last month she was announced as Jenny Craig's latest celebrity ambassador, committed to losing 40kg by the middle of next year.
A month in and she's already managed to drop 10kg.
"Being overweight feels normal for me," Swan says.
"I can't actually remember a stage in my life when I have felt completely happy with my weight. I've not been at my goal size (size 18) for about three or four years now and I'm craving to be able to be a fit and healthy mum.
"Plus I would absolutely love to be able to fit into my old clothes again.
"I also really want to set a good example to Leo with eating and activity.
"I've been dieting on and off for years now and never seemed to find a diet that has suited my lifestyle, but the convenience of Jenny Craig is just unreal. I have a weekly one-on-one meeting with my consultant, Adele Gerali.
"Having my weekly food menu planned out for me is perfect. because it saves me having to think or worry about what I can and can't eat.
"Also, being weighed once a week is a huge motivation in itself. Adele also helps to plan my food and activity for the following week."
Having lost 10kg in just over a month, Swan is already feeling the benefits.
"I was surprised how much I've learnt about food, particularly portions. I was surprised just how much food I am able to eat," Swan says.
"Compared with my poorly balanced food plan before Jenny Craig, I was so pleasantly surprised that I wasn't hungry.
"This is major for me because I've always associated losing weight with being starving.
"Also, having weekly one-on-one meetings with my consultant Adele really helps me keep on track. She is a great sounding board for me and I'm learning new things from her every week."
Though Swan is looking forward to being a role model for her son, she has been surprised by how many people have responded to her weight loss so far.
"I want to be a fit and healthy mum and a good role model for my family. I get so many emails saying I've inspired others to do something about their weight too, which is just amazing." she says.
To add to her new diet, Swan is also exercising much more than she has in the past.
"Previously, my idea of exercise was walking to the car," she says. "Exercise is becoming more and more enjoyable.
"A couple of weeks ago the lifts were broken at work and I took the stairs without hesitating. Before, I would have panicked, not trusting my body to take me where I needed to go. I trust it now."
1 Don't skip meals or snacks. Consuming too few kilojoules sends your body into starvation mode and leads to overeating later in the day.
2 Be realistic with your weight expectations. A healthy rate of weight loss is 0.5kg to 1kg per week or 1% of your total body weight per week. 
3 Cook a big batch of your favourite vegetable soup or salad and divide it into individual portions for the week.
4 You can enjoy dining out and still lose weight – it’s simply a matter of dining by choice, not by chance. When dining out keep it simple and think of ‘The Healthy Plate’ – fill 1/2 of your plate with vegetables, 1/4 of your plate with carbohydrate and 1/4 of your plate with meat.
5 Practise mindful eating. Notice your hunger and satisfaction signals, be aware of portion size, slow down and enjoy the experience of eating.
6 Record your behaviour relating to food, body and mind in a journal.
7 Organisation is key. Always leave the house with healthy snacks in your bag to prevent you from buying high-fat or high-sugar snacks if you're caught out all day.
8 If you're struggling to fit 30 minutes of structured activity into your day, break it up into three 10-minute blocks.
9 Reward yourself. To help keep you motivated, write a list of non-food rewards and treat yourself when you reach your next milestone.
10 Keeping a structured activity plan in these winter months can be difficult, so be sure to have a back-up plan. Track your steps using a pedometer.

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