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Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

Tips on Maintaining Health in the Home

Wipe Away Germs

Want to really get your kitchen countertop clean? First, disinfect that germ-filled sponge by soaking it in water and bleach.

Eat Away Allergies

The antioxidants and resveratrol in red grapes can fight against allergies and wheezing. Try snacking on some, and you may feel less discomfort.

Healthier Running

Make sure you wear shoes that fit properly when running. Width, size and the amount of cushioning can prevent knee injuries.

Build More Muscle

Eating nuts can help build more muscle because they are full of fiber, protein and vitamin E, but avoid salty and sugary nuts.

Eating Out Can Be Healthy Too

Ask for condiments and sauces on the side when eating out. This way you can control how much you add to your meal.

Bacon or Sausage?

The next time you’re in a pickle between bacon or sausage: Opt for the bacon. This tasty breakfast meat will cost you a little less in calories than sausage would.

Brown Is Better, Right?

Even if a bread is brown, or its name sounds healthy, check the ingredients before buying into the “brown facade.” If 100 percent whole-wheat flour is used, and it is listed first in the ingredients section, then your bread really is on the healthier side.

Good Fat

Unsaturated fat can be good for you, so try including canola or olive oil in your diet. They help lower “bad” cholesterol levels!

Hidden Meanings

When a food is labeled as less fattening, ask yourself, less fattening than what? Check serving sizes before taking an extra handful. Nutritional facts are all relative.

tips on swimming in the summer

Wait an Hour After Eating Before Going Swimming

We’ve all heard the advice that after eating, you should refrain from going swimming to prevent muscle cramps and the possibility of drowning. However, this is a complete myth. While it is true that the circulation of blood is diverted away from your muscles and toward the gut as your body begins the digestive process, swimming after eating won’t give you such unbearable cramps that you drown.

People With Dark Skin Are Not at Risk of Getting Sunburned

Although those with darker skin are naturally more protected from the sun since their skin contains higher levels of melanin, a pigment that gives skin its color and protects it from ultraviolent light, no one is immune to sun damage. When lounging by the pool this summer or playing outdoors, be sure to regularly apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.

Urinating on a Jellyfish Sting Helps Soothe the Pain

Not only is urinating on a jellyfish sting ineffective in easing the pain, but it’s also not the cleanest solution. Urine can actually aggravate the jellyfish stingers, causing them to release more venom, so next time a jellyfish sting threatens to ruin your day at the beach, simply submerge the area in saltwater or apply a small amount of vinegar.

Sunburn Will Fade Into a Tan

Contrary to what you’ve heard, sunburn does not fade into a tan and give you that sun-kissed look you’ve been desiring this summer. A sunburn indicates overexposure to the sun’s rays and leaves the skin inflamed, dry and sensitive. When spending time outdoors, remember to apply sunscreen regularly to protect your skin and prevent premature aging.

After a Snakebite, Suck the Venom Out

Although this solution seems logical, by sucking the venom out from a snack bite, you are actually doing yourself more harm than good. Attempting to suck out the poison can not only damage the wound around the bite area, but it can also cause the poison to spread to the mouth. If you believe you’ve been bitten by a poisonous snake, remain calm to keep the venom localized in one area and seek medical attention immediately.

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You Can Tell a Meat is Fully-Cooked If It Appears Brown in Color

When cooking on the grill this summer, don’t rely on your eyes to tell you when that hamburger or steak is fully cooked. Even when meat turns brown, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safe to eat. Prevent illness by taking the temperature of everything you grill. Hamburgers should have an internal temperature of 160 or higher, and poultry should be cooked until reaching 165 degrees.

Source: Reuters

One of the oldest wives’ tales is that by placing Vaseline or butter directly on a burn, you can help soothe the pain, but this is not true. In fact, these oils can actually heighten your risk for infection. For minor burns, soothe the area with cool water or a cold compress for 10 to 15 minutes to reduce swelling and apply an antibiotic ointment to protect the skin from further damage.

Sunscreen with SPF 95 Offers More Protection than SPF 30

Although a higher sun protective factor (SPF) would seem to offer more protection from the sun, studies have shown that sunscreen with an SPF 30, blocks about 97 percent of ultraviolet rays. Those with higher SPFs have not been proven to offer any greater protection, so even if your sunscreen is labeled SPF 95, don’t spend hours in the sun without reapplying regularly.

Poison Ivy Is Contagious

Although the rash associated with poison ivy can spread from one part of your body to another as the plant’s chemical oil, urushiol, spreads and penetrates different areas of the skin, the rash is not contagious from one person to another.
